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  • [in advance, sorry for my poor english^^] One week since anim'est 5, will you come?? I don't have a lot of time to travel throught the web so answer here please : Some precisions : there will be a lot of casual play (provided by the A.A.F.D.P. association) concerning different type of games like arcade Shoot'emUps (there will be the newests Mushihime Sama 2 or ESPgaluda for example 8O ), you can see the complet program of casual play here :…

  • Sorry to post this announcement in english but i don’t know any word of German^^ [This message is to be progressively edited, the following text is not a final form and can be modified until very close to the decribed event] Last update October, 21st, 2006. AfficheAnim'est5A4.jpg For the fifth time in a row, , N.T.S.C. will organize a fighting videogames tournament during the Anim’Est event. For this edition, our place will be sligthly modified, with less tournaments which will concern exclusive…

  • WCG 2005 in Frankreich!!!

    larvozor - - General Discussion


    Hello german friends! It's Larvozor from Nancy (France) I hope there will be a lot of german players on WCG in Paris!! There will be around 15 Nancy's players here (#reload, kof and 3rd players (and hyper players for chunli_1^^)) : me, Indy, S.A.F.O., Oni-Z, Mitsuomi, Chouya-kill... We are waiting for you to have big internationals sessions of beat em up in the tourneys and after in the hotel! If you want to know more about the tournaments : go on then "forums" (and in my forum : ht…